Wednesday, October 21, 2015

I Want My Paci now!

Breaking a two year old from a pacifier isn't an easy task. Well, it usually isn't. Of course, I've heard of you super parents out there that just "throw it bye bye out the car window" or "give it to the Easter Bunny."  Must be nice!  For those of you who know my children well, you know how important Janna Kay's "paci" is to her. As Bobbi Lee and I sat at our kitchen table sharing a Bible devotion, we grew weary of listening to Janna Kay scream, "WAHHHHH! MOMMY!  DADDY!  WAHHHHH!"  I could tell the intense cries for comfort were breaking mommy's heart, but we had resolved that it was time to ditch the pacifier.  After all, it was for Janna Kay's best interests.
     As we sat there frustrated, a profound theological thought hit me. Sometimes, I am the one crying out for my Father. I cry, whine, and scream for my worldly comfort. It seems like He isn't listening. It's seems as if he doesn't care. Why isn't he running down the hall to take care of me?  Why isn't he meeting my demands?  WHERE ARE YOU, GOD?!  I want my comfort and I want it NOW!  But maybe, just maybe, God is in the other room sitting quietly and listening intently. Sometimes, He creeps down the hallway and peeks in my room to make sure I am safe. He is sitting on go, ready and willing to respond to any danger that may come my way.  At the same time, however, He's looking out for my best interests. He is teaching me. He is letting me learn to survive the storm. He is breaking me from the chains of earthly comfort that hold me back from totally depending and trusting in Him. He is helping me realize that His grace is enough. Eventually, Janna Kay closed her eyes and drifted off the dreamland peacefully, without her pacifier. And, eventually, I realize that God is my comfort and peace and He is all I need.

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